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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 12-07-27 16:14
PHP ¿Í MongoDB »ç¿ë¹ý
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆÃ
Á¶È¸ : 294,223  
Yet another MongoDB and PHP tutorial, say it ain¡¯t so! Well yes, but this tutorial aims to be more complete than the others out there. OK I¡¯m going to assume you know what MongoDB is, so I¡¯m not going to go over ¡°what mongoDB is¡± or ¡°what NoSQL is¡±. I¡¯m going to do this series in a little different styling than my other tutorial series have been, so let just jump right in.

Here¡¯s a couple links to get you up to speed:
Installing Mongo
MongoDB PHP Extension

If you have issues with MongoD not starting – something about ¡°/data/db¡± missing, then you should create the directory. In *Nix: ¡°mkdir /data/db¡±, in Win ¡°mkdir c:data¡± then ¡°mkdir c:datadb¡±.


$host = ¡®localhost¡¯;
$user = ¡®root¡¯;
$pass = ¡°¡±;
$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, 1) or die(¡°Could not connect to: {$host}. Check your settings and try again.¡±);


$link = new Mongo();
catch(MongoConnectionException $e)
die(¡®Could not connect. Check to make sure MongoDB is running.¡¯);

As you can see, Mongo DB automatically will connect to the local host and default port. Yes, MySQL will do the same if you have the directives in your ¡°php.ini¡± setup to do this. IE. ¡°mysql.default_host¡±, ¡°mysql.default_user¡± and ¡°mysql.default_password¡±. You might notice that by default MongoDB doesn¡¯t have a user name or password setup. I will go over how to set that up in part 2.

Creating and using a DB

[php]$db = ¡®testdb¡¯;
$sql = ¡°CREATE DATABASE `$db`¡±;

mysql_query($sql, $link);
mysql_select_db($db, $link);


[php]$db = $link->testdb;

In one line of code, MongoDB will create a DB automatically if it doesn¡¯t already exists and select (use) it.

Create a Table / Collection

// Create the Table
$tbl = ¡®user¡¯;
$sql = ¡°CREATE TABLE `$tbl` (`id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `login` VARCHAR (24)NOT NULL, `password` CHAR(32) NOT NULL, `email` VARCHAR(255)) TYPE=innodb;¡±;
mysql_query($sql, $link);


// Create the collection (AKA Table)
$col = $db->user;

Once again, MongoDB will automatically create something for us if it doesn¡¯t exist. In this example, it create our ¡°user¡± table. You might notice we didn¡¯t define how the table is formatted, this is because MongoDB is schema-less and doesn¡¯t need column definitions. ¡°Tables¡± in MongoDB are called ¡°collections¡±.

Insert Data

// Insert a row into the table
$sql = ¡°INSERT INTO `$tbl` SET `login` = ¡®jsmith¡¯, `password` = ¡¯5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99¡Ç, `email` = ¡®

$sql = ¡°INSERT INTO `$tbl` SET `login` = ¡®psmith¡¯, `password` = ¡¯5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99¡Ç, `email` = ¡®

// Get the ID of last insert
$id = mysql_insert_id($link);


// Insert a document (row) into the collection (table)
$doc = array(¡®login¡¯ => ¡®jsmith¡¯, ¡®password¡¯ => ¡® 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99¡Ç, ¡®email¡¯ => ¡®
$col->insert($doc, true);

$doc = array(¡®login¡¯ => ¡®psmith¡¯, ¡®password¡¯ => ¡® 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99¡Ç, ¡®email¡¯ => ¡®
$col->insert($doc, true);

// Get the id of last insert
$id = $doc['_id'];

You might have noticed that we used an array to define our ¡°row¡± of data, which are called ¡°documents¡±. On the insert method, the second argument will set the query to do a ¡°safe insert¡±. This will allow us to find out if the query executed properly. If not set, it will not get that information. So I would set it to true if you want to be able to debug your queries. If you are wondering about the password, it¡¯s the MD5 hash for ¡°password¡±.

Querying Data

// Get all rows
$sql = ¡°SELECT * FROM `$tbl`¡±;
$qry = mysql_query($sql, $link);
$cnt = mysql_num_rows($qry);

echo ¡®All rows:<br/>¡¯;

if($cnt > 0)
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);

echo ¡®<pre>¡¯;
echo ¡®</pre>¡¯

// Query for the row matching the last insert ID
$sql = ¡°SELECT * FROM `$tbl` WHERE `id` = {$id}¡±;
$qry = mysql_query($sql, $link);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);

echo ¡®Single row (id = $id):<br/><pre>¡¯;
echo ¡®</pre>


// Get all documents
$res = $col->find();

echo ¡®All documents:<br/>¡¯;

foreach($res as $doc)
echo ¡®<pre>¡¯;
echo ¡®</pre>¡¯;

// Query for the document matching the last insert ID
$doc = $col->findone(array(¡®_id¡¯ => $id));

echo ¡®Single document (_id = $id):<br/><pre>¡¯;

The MongoDB support in PHP has function to pull a single document, or all the documents. Once again, we use arrays to define something, in this example, we define our constraint.

Upading Data

$sql = ¡°UPDATE `$tbl` SET `password` = ¡®b497dd1a701a33026f7211533620780d¡¯ WHERE `id` = {$id}¡±;
$qry = mysql_query($sql, $link);

$sql = ¡°SELECT * FROM `$tbl` WHERE `id` = {$id}¡±;
$qry = mysql_query($sql, $link);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);

echo ¡®Updated row (id = $id):<br/><pre>¡¯;
echo ¡®</pre>


// Update a document
$col->update(array(¡®_id¡¯ => $id), array(¡®$set¡¯ => array(¡®password¡¯ => ¡®b497dd1a701a33026f7211533620780d¡¯)));

// Query the updated docuemnt
$doc = $col->findone(array(¡®_id¡¯ => $id));

echo ¡®Updated docuement:<br/><pre>¡¯;
echo ¡®</pre>¡¯;

The MongoDB extension has a function to perform updates. The first argument is an array of constraints, IE ¡°WHERE {expression}¡±. The second is the data we want to update and what we want to update it with. Pretty simple, right?

Indexing data

// Create a unique index
$sql = ¡°ALTER TABLE `$db`.`$tbl` ADD UNIQUE `login` (`login`)¡±;
$qry = mysql_query($sql, $link);


// Create a unique index
$col->ensureIndex(array(¡°login¡± => 1), array(¡°unique¡± => true, ¡°dropDups¡± => true));

MongoDB has method for creating index name ¡°ensureIndex¡±. The first parameter is an array of what we want to index and the value is ether 1 or -1. 1 means that the index will sort the data for this in an ascending manor, while -1 will sort it in a descending manor. The second parameter are extra options. In this example I tell it to make what ever I¡¯m indexing as a unique index, that way I don¡¯t end up with multiple ¡°jsmith¡± entries. Also, I¡¯ve told it to drop any documents that have duplicates of the data in the ¡°login¡± ¡°column¡±. Another note is that ¡°columns¡± in MongoDB should be called ¡°elements¡±, since we are really dealing with arrays.

Lets make sure our index is working shall we?

// Test our unique index
$doc = array(¡®login¡¯ => ¡®jsmith¡¯, ¡®password¡¯ => ¡® 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99¡Ç, ¡®email¡¯ => ¡®
$col->insert($doc, true);
catch(MongoCursorException $e)
echo ¡®Could not insert document. Double check values.<br />¡¯;


Total 78
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70 MSSQL¿¡¼­ DB º¹¿ø ÈÄ »ç¿ëÀÚ¿¡ ·Î±×ÀÎÀ̸§ÀÌ ¾ø¾î ¿À·ù°¡ ³ª´Â ¡¦ ½ÑÀ¥È£½ºÆà 02-19 26205
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